Wednesday, 25 May 2011

To Vice? Or Think Twice?

So, we all have our flaws…our addictions…our vices! Something which makes ‘the perfect’, well…….. imperfect! Something that makes us more human!

Mine are Coffee and Cigerettes…. Eeeeew! Yes well, I know what you are thinking. But now here’s the thing, how on earth do you give them up? I welcome any sort of suggestions or advice. Caffeine is but a bare necessity for those on the go, as are cigarettes, especially at a work place! Cigarette-breaks provide mere entertainment. But beware of this dangerous vortex which one is so easily sucked into. One minute you’re heading out to grab some fresh air, and then before you know it, boom! You’re all ‘heyy man, can I bum a cig off you?’ you’ve turn into one of those.. ‘Social- smokers’. Jeez, don’t roll your eyes! You don’t want to feel left out!

As for coffee, ha! Let’s face it, now a lot can happen over coffee! Whether it’s a business meeting, an interview, maybe an excuse to hang-out with your latest crush..….what? He’s a total hotty! It could even be the usual ‘make- up’ or ‘break-up’ scenario. Oooh and there’s always the epic coffee- catch- up- sesh with your girlfriends, dissecting your love lives, whining about your ex, otherwise known as ‘that idiot who broke my heart’ or more fondly ‘the guy who cried love’, ask Carrie Bradshaw, she'll tell you a thing or two about him!
Yes, there is a LOT, that can happen over coffee. And frankly speaking if its, such a problem, maybe you should switch to a decaf, or perhaps even a green tea! :D xoxo

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

OnwardsAnd Upwards

Hello Cyber Peeps and a very good day to you!

Yes the idiom, 'Onwards and Upwards', is definitely how I wish to describe the next chapter of my life. Its time to grow up, buckle down, have fun, but remain responsible. I have big dreams, and as the proverb goes, ' In dreams lies responsibility'. We, each and every single one of us are responsible for acting wisely and executing them.

 Most importantly being positive is what really matters. As a positive mind forsees happiness, success, good health and peace. Whatever the mind anticipates, it finds!! The mind is actually far more powerful than we realise. It is responsible for many an emotion. It can make you feel happy, sad, scared, confused, grumpy....! A book I read a while ago, advised that if you close your eyes and focus on what you really want in life, whatever it may be you can in fact acheieve it. Close your eyes and paint a picture of your goals and dreams, and really think hard and meditate on them. Be it a famous boxer, a celebrity chef, Britains next top model, a millionaire, to marry an amazing man and have a big house with glass windows, no mater how big or small your dream is, you actually can achieve it. Ready to move mountains and chase the sun? Lets give it a shot ! :)


Thursday, 19 May 2011

Love And The Single Girl

There is nothing like a fun girly chat during lunch break at your work place to add excitement to an otherwise monotonous day.

'No but then if you don't get married by the time your 25, all the good ones get taken! Thats what Ma says!' explaimed Riya.

'Haha what kind of retarded logic is that? You marry when you're in Love and when you're ready and thats all there is to it!' asserted Tina.

Love is always a popular topic, be it two people falling in love or out of love, fighting for love or giving up on love. But what is Love? ( I stare blankly at my computer screen, waiting for the words to come to me)  Who knows. I never questioned it when I was a victim of it. But now I'm curious.

' I feel so much love , I want to be with him all the time! I feel so comfortable with him, he's my everything! I can't imagine myself without him. I loveee being in love! I feel complete! Its the best feeling ever !He makes me soooo happy!! ' It wasn't too hard for Tina, who has been 'in love' for the past 2 years to fill in the blanks for me.

Then why is it so hard for the single girl? Heres why....the single girl is tired of being let down by love. Look deep into her eyes and you will find the reminiscnes of a Love lost or destroyed. She is hopeful, and open to being swept off her feet. It is important for the single girl not to turn her back on love or be bitter , because deep down inside,she knows it is worth having Loved and lost, than not loved at all!  xxx

"Love is patient; love is kind, and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceieted, nor rude; never seflish, not quick to take offense. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope, its endurance. In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope and love; but the greatest of them all is love. "                 

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

My Quarter Life Crisis

How is it , that the transformation from ones adolescence to full fledged adulthood can be so....daunting? The what and where and WHO you want to be, becomes more of a reality. There are questions, doubts and insecurities that attack us...leading to what can only be termed as, a profound internal struggle.

When I was little, I remember trying on my Mother's high heels and pearls and strutting around the house showing off. My Father would look at me and frown. ' I cant wait to grow up Daddy!', I remember myself saying. He'd smile and explain to me, that life is way more simple and fun when you are younger. Of course that made no sense to me. With every bad dream or scraped knee, I'd go running to my parents; one big hug and kiss and........ candy bar later, life was good again! I was back on my feet, running around the play ground, without a care in the world!

Sadly, candy bars no longer bring refuge. In fact I've been asked to lay off them by my dermatologist, as excess sugar is not good for my complexion. True story!

So what does bring refuge then?This............ the heroic tales and stories brimming with inspiration.Your teachers, your work colleague, your girlfriends, your driver, your hairstylist ....the size zero model staring back at you on the cover of this month's Vogue, have all been through.......... 'Struggle'! In some shape or form. Which leads me to believe...that feeling lost, vulnerable, clueless, insecure and anxious are completely normal human emotions. Overcoming the 'struggle', includes discovering your own strength and ability to rise above whatever predicaments life throws at you and bouncing back on your feet, just as you did when you were a child. After all life is your playground, so run far and wide.

                                                           Light. Love .Magic . xoxo

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

The Best Way to break up

'There is a good way to breakup with someone and it doesn’t include a post-it'. Carrie, Sex and the City

I'm sure we have all watched that episode of Sex and the City, well for those of you who haven't, the man Carrie is in love with at the time Jack Berger, breaks up with Carrie, on a POST- IT ! Yup, those yellow little sticky papers! 'I'm sorry- I can't- Don't hate me !' - Aaah the nerve ! I remember thinking, after watching that episode for the 5th time !

It then made me there a NICE way to break up with break someone's heart? The answer my friends, is no, in fact there is not. There will always be one person in the situation who is effected on a deeper or more intense level. Because one person is always more invested in the relationship and has expectations that are being let down/crushed/walked over/trampled upon/ smashed into pieces... or however you wish to term it ! The 2 key people involved in the break up process are the 'Breakie' or the person initiating the break-up , and the 'Broken', the person having his or her heart torn to shreds.  Well lets focus on the Broken.

For the Broken, its important to remember that when it comes to a break up, both men and women tend to act impulsively and selfishly, trying to safe-guard themselves. However it is important not to get carried away by any sudden flow of emotion or to be blinded and speak and behave in a way that compromises your self esteem and dignity . Vent to your friends, that is what they are there for, you would do the same for them ! Do things that you enjoy, you are no longer a 'we' , but a strong and independent 'I'. So focus on yourself and your needs, its all about feeling comfortable in your own skin again. Go to the Spa, a shopping spree, go crazy!Watch John Tuker must die and have a cupcake... for goodness sake have two!  Get a puppy or a new car , something to show off and take your mind off the pain and distress you are in. Lastly, but most importantly, bare one thing in mind......time is a healer! We have the ability to change our lives, to take control, to heal the pain. So chin up, big smiles.... go on have a cupcake ;)

Fear & other factors

Fear, is a predominant factor in all our lives....why? The fear of not succeeding, the fear of not being 'good enough', the fear of being alone....or even more so... the fear of facing & dealing with the past, present & future. Welcome to my blog :) I, like most of you , am curious. Faced with dilemmas and questions and various struggles in life. 'Why not join the mysterious yet fascinating world of blogging' , I thought to myself, and so here I am.:) I'm passionate & animated, often termed as a 'DQ'.. you know a drama queen ! But then again acting is one of my many passions :) ! I'm sensitive, a girly- girl at heart....... a thinker, a lover a dreamer!!! Well, that's just a little bit about me !
As I am new to this I'm open to any suggestions and advice :)

kiss kiss ! <3