Thursday, 19 May 2011

Love And The Single Girl

There is nothing like a fun girly chat during lunch break at your work place to add excitement to an otherwise monotonous day.

'No but then if you don't get married by the time your 25, all the good ones get taken! Thats what Ma says!' explaimed Riya.

'Haha what kind of retarded logic is that? You marry when you're in Love and when you're ready and thats all there is to it!' asserted Tina.

Love is always a popular topic, be it two people falling in love or out of love, fighting for love or giving up on love. But what is Love? ( I stare blankly at my computer screen, waiting for the words to come to me)  Who knows. I never questioned it when I was a victim of it. But now I'm curious.

' I feel so much love , I want to be with him all the time! I feel so comfortable with him, he's my everything! I can't imagine myself without him. I loveee being in love! I feel complete! Its the best feeling ever !He makes me soooo happy!! ' It wasn't too hard for Tina, who has been 'in love' for the past 2 years to fill in the blanks for me.

Then why is it so hard for the single girl? Heres why....the single girl is tired of being let down by love. Look deep into her eyes and you will find the reminiscnes of a Love lost or destroyed. She is hopeful, and open to being swept off her feet. It is important for the single girl not to turn her back on love or be bitter , because deep down inside,she knows it is worth having Loved and lost, than not loved at all!  xxx

"Love is patient; love is kind, and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceieted, nor rude; never seflish, not quick to take offense. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope, its endurance. In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope and love; but the greatest of them all is love. "                 


  1. WOW ! your words are just so powerful ! :)

  2. Love is a surrendering, of making beautiful the very moment with everything you are :)

